Mitigate Disease Transmission
UV-C energy can fortify hospital defenses against infectious diseases by reducing their concentrations without increasing their resistance to medicines.
Both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ASHRAE recommend UV-C to help slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Reduce Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs)
In a hospital or doctor’s office, dangerous microbes can spread through the air or through surfaces in patient rooms, waiting areas, operating theaters, laundry chutes and more.
UV-C supplements existing infection-control protocols for disinfection, sterilization and manual cleaning. UV-C energy works 24/7/365 as it eliminates hazardous microbial build-up.
How UV-C Can Help
Given the growing desire to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases in facilities ranging from schools, to hospitals to international airports, facility professional may want to examine currently available Germicidal UV-C technologies that address airborne infectious agents.